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LPM 2007 - Live Performers Meeting

LPM 2007 - Live Performers Meeting

  • Gustos

Linux Club, Rome

Linux Club, Rome, Italy

  • jueves, 20 septiembre 2007 | STAGE 1, Linux Club, Rome, Italy
  • domingo, 23 septiembre 2007 | Linux Club, Rome, Italy


  • France Creil
[Texto disponible solo en inglés] Painting has been his the first experience, and then pictures projection and videos, are just the logical consequences of the evolution of his work. He tries to find the same principe of creation used for painting in new technologies, and thanks to his musician past and his experience as lights technician, he has the feeling for live performance.


jueves, 20 septiembre 2007

Linux Club // STAGE 2 - 3 - 4 - 5