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LPM 2008 MEX - Live Performers Meeting

LPM 2008 MEX - Live Performers Meeting

  • Gustos

Escuela Gestalt + MUTYE, Xalapa, Mexico

Gestalt University of Design, A.C., Xalapa Enríquez, Mexico

  • jueves, 04 septiembre 2008 | VJ SETS 02, Gestalt University of Design, A.C., Xalapa Enríquez, Mexico
  • 05 // 06 septiembre 2008 | Gestalt University of Design, A.C., Xalapa Enríquez, Mexico
[Texto disponible solo en inglés] Azlab is Israel Estrada, born in León, Gunajuato, México. Azlab emerged as the result of creative urgency that began to rise a year ago, beginning as a concern by conveying new concepts to the community living in the city, because here is not a very fruitful stage of this side of art, the better and more exciting way for us to communicate these ideas is through visual art, focusing on multimedia, using programming languages: XHTML,...


viernes, 05 septiembre 2008

Gestalt University of Design, A.C. // VJ SETS 01