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VVVV & brainwaves for AV performance [100€]

  • Workshop
  • Gustos
VVVV & brainwaves for AV performance [100€]
[Texto disponible solo en inglés] THE WORKSHOP HAS A TOTAL COST OF 100 EURO FOR 4 DAYS

The workshop will be divided in two modules of 6 hours each:

1 - VVVV for audiovisual programming and performance

The workshop aims at all users of VVVV wishing to deepen VVVV in the context of performance and audio-visual programming. Topics covered will be for all tastes and many fields of interest, ranging from the management of audio materials in VVVV to the "visualization" of sound’s features, from the implementation of MIDI controllers, to various kind of analysis and transformations of audio signal offered by VVVV. We will see how to load FreeFrame effects straight into our patches and finally we will see one of the most useful companions of VVVV, the Timeliner, which allows to script and control patches over time.
The workshop is aimed primarily at participants who are familiar with the basic elements of VVVV programming (formats, IO boxes, Spreads, etc.)

2 - EmotiVVVV!
A workshop about EEG and art

EEG or electroencephalography is the recording of electrical activity in the brain that can be used to control software on a computer in several ways.

This is a hands-on workshop about neuro-technology and art, with a focus on the Emotiv software and hardware. The workshop will start with an introduction on EEG signal and how it can be manipulated to perform different kinds of data visualizations and sonifications by using the multipurpose toolkit VVVV. During the workshop different techniques and protocols will be introduced to design real-time EEG-based interfaces for Art or neuro-feedback applications.
During the workshop, Emotiv hardware and SDK will be explained, demonstrating how to interface it with VVVV environment. During the second part of the workshop, participants will design their own audiovisual tools to interface with the Emotiv technology.
The workshop was produced in collaboration with iMAL, as a part of the “Tangible Feelings” symposium. http://www.imal.org/en/activity/tangible-feelings
thanks to Emotiv® ( http://www.emotiv.com/ )

Subscribe to our Wiki here!> http://tangible-feelings.wikispaces.com/

info : cropdisco34@gmail.com

Tech required:

- Basic knowledge of VVVV.
- Each participant must be equipped with a PC (or a MAC with bootcamp)
- Windows XP (SP2) or Windows 7
- VVVV (latest version) installed
- Participants that own a Emotiv EPOC headset are invited to brought their own. Only one headset will be provided by the organization.

Duración (minutos)


Qué se necesita

- 1 or more videoprojectors (min 5000 AL, VGA or DVI input)
- 2 audio speakers min 50 Watt each (with a small audio mixer)

  • Workshop



Italy Roma


LPM 2012 Rome
LPM 2012 Rome
31 mayo // 03 junio 2012