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Omicron Persei 8
[Texto disponible solo en inglés] Founded in 2016 in Paris, Omicron Persei 8 is an audiovisual duo composed of Nicolas Bocognano (live machines) and Paul Vivien (live visuals).
Fascinated by connections between visuals and sounds, OP8 always constructs its creations in a constant combo of these two senses. Looking for an immersive atmosphere or a synesthesia, they invite the audience inside their oneiric universe, a halfway between science-fiction and poetry.
In live show this interaction takes the form of a ritual, an...
[Texto disponible solo en inglés] Founded in 2016 in Paris, Omicron Persei 8 is an audiovisual duo composed of Nicolas Bocognano (live machines) and Paul Vivien (live visuals).
Fascinated by connections between visuals and sounds, OP8 always constructs its creations in a constant combo of these two senses. Looking for an immersive atmosphere or a synesthesia, they invite the audience inside their oneiric universe, a halfway between science-fiction and poetry.
In live show this interaction takes the form of a ritual, an implicit dialogue between Paul and Nicolas. Only they seem to understand the rules and codes of it, but they bring it perceptible by anyone in an audiovisual show.
Inspired by acousmatic, analog and tribal musics, the sounds atmosphere of OP8 are like an IDM / Ambient sweet and hypnotic music.
Revisiting analog video synthesizers, the visual style of the duo explores an infinity of algorithms and generative visuals, close to a pure surrealism / aesthetic.

Actuaciones (1)

Miembros (1)

Paul Vivien

Paul Vivien

  • 1 Actuaciones AV
  • 1 Conjuntos VJ
  • 1 Videos
  • 2 Galerías