Volver a la cima

Backdoor audiovisualperformance

  • AV Performance
  • Gustos
Backdoor audiovisualperformance
[Texto disponible solo en inglés] The performance is the result of a research that develops through a path consisting of "Doors" that guide through real and digital environments always different.

The exploration of these environments is outlined through the digital reconstruction of the motion of a real physical body.

The sound guide the digital performer during the creation of environments explored, generating a real correlation between beat and frames.

Digital Performer: Cinzia Conte

Sound : sire_g

Duración (minutos)


Qué se necesita

- At least 1 videoprojector with VGA or RCA connections

- 1 Mixer Allen & Heat Xone 92


- 1 Fomet or desk 1x2 m

  • AV Performance


vj contessa & sire_g
vj contessa & sire_g

Italy Palermo, Ragusa