Volver a la cima

Brain Music

  • AV Performance
  • Generative
  • Experimental Electronics
  • Gustos
Brain Music
[Texto disponible solo en inglés] “There is no way to peace, peace is the way.” Mahatma Gandhi.

“Brain Music” is a living installation using an EEG helmet, free software Processing, a videoprojector and a sound amplification, where the meditating artist’s brain waves are translated into sound and visual waves.

But, under appearances of deep bodily inactivity, the performer appeals to his whole organism, reconciling body and mind through meditation, to create the conditions favorable to the emergence of a musicality.
The public see me as still as a statue but the generated sound and image are the result of a global activity, depending on my “Dasein ” (Heidegger).

Technique : the raw data of a Neurosky Mindwave EEG is used here to play generative music. Incoming raw data from the EEG is divided into 512 samples covering brain waves from 1 to 50Hz. These 512 samples, after a Fourier transform, are analyzed and scaled to play piano notes over 5 octaves.

The more the performer meditates and concentrates on the music, the more his brain waves harmonize. The musical score and its rhythm are certainly depending on his mood and on the environment (interaction with the public), but the performer's real challenge is to focus his mind entirely on the registered sounds, in order to enter into a closed musical loop (a circular feedback) where his brain waves - translated into sound waves - become the reflection of the registered notes and so on.

I’ve already performed three times, for 30 minutes periods :
- November 17, 2017 at MEM Festival, Bilbao (Spain)
- October 20, 2017 at GENERATE Festival, Tübingen (Germany)
- May 10, 2017 at Gare Numérique in Jeumont (France)

Next presentation is planned at « Mais Imaginarius » in Santa Maria da Feira (Portugal) from 23 to 25 May 2019: I’ll perform during two hours each of these three days then invite the public to wear the EEG helmet and become performers in their turn.

Duración (minutos)


Qué se necesita

I would like, for future events, that this artwork changes its status from performance to living installation. Indeed, I feel like presenting it on a longer time (a few hours per day as long as the exhibition lasts) as part of a collective exhibition. The public could be invited to sit in a space created for the occasion and stay as long as they wish.

Material : about 9 square meters with a videoprojector and a sound amplification. I sit against the projection surface (as in the image above). I bring my laptop (HDMI or VGA connection), EEG helmet and external soundcard (2 male jacks, 6.35mm).

Lo que traen los artistas


  • AV Performance
  • Generative
  • Experimental Electronics


Jean-Michel Rolland
Jean-Michel Rolland

France Marseille

Videos (2)