Volver a la cima

De mon sommeil les souvenirs éclatés

  • AV Performance
  • Live Cinema (Narrative)
  • Experimental Electronics
  • Gustos
De mon sommeil les souvenirs éclatés
[Texto disponible solo en inglés] De mon sommeil les souvenirs éclatés is an audiovisual live performance played in front of the public. The two performers (Jeannie Brie and Theo Strauss) stand on stage next to the projection screen. Neither the sound nor the image accompany the other. They are co-constructed in the moment, interacting and complementing each other.
Jeannie Brie invokes images picking from her video library preproduced. She mixes extracts of her digitized familly tapes to the animated drawings searching effects of matter and texture. Video loops are edited and mixed with reloops, superimpositions and feedbacks with a slow and progressive dynamic. Like an ongoing dream. Thanks to repetitions, overprints and distortions the previous image is constantly reinterpreted giving the sensation of a construction of mental images in real time.
The sound of archival videos punctuates the sound of Théo Strauss. He mixes synthesizer loops and audio archives on cassettes with the help of analog effects racks. The sound design focuses on a work of timbre and spatialization , of stretching and and buzzing of the sound. In echo to the image, repetition is largely used to bring towards a certain state of sedation and hypnosis in order to better extirpate oneself from one’s environment and to invoke reverie.

Duración (minutos)


Qué se necesita

The performance takes place in a dark room, preferably with a black background.
- minimum dimensions of the stage : depth: 4 m / opening : 6 m
- audience position: frontal, preferably seated
Installation, tests and balances: 2 hours (It is possible to free the stage and set up 20 minutes before the performance. Please provide a storage space nearby).
Dismantling: 20 min

Lo que traen los artistas

equipment to be provided:
- 2 DI + XLR
- diffusion system adapted to the place, frontage
equipped with SUBWOFFER.
- 2 stage returns
- extension cords, multi plugs
material brought :
- 1 analog effects rack
- 1 drum machine
- 1 synthesizer
- 1 hi-fi turntable K7
- 2 tape recorder
- a mixing desk
- laptop

equipment to be provided:
- 1 video projector and support (adapted to the venue)
- 1 projection screen 16/9 (size adapted to the venue)
(minimum 240)
- extension cords, power strips
- video cable (to connect in HDMI, VGA or miniDP)
material brought :
- 1 computer
- 16/9 video signal (1280 x 720)
- 1 midi controller
- 1 DV camera and firewire connection
- 1 computer screen

The performance takes place in the dark. We light up with headlamps and desks lights.

Here we present the ideal conditions, if something does not correspond, you can contact us so that we can organize ourselves together. We can bring, if necessary screen, VP and DIs

  • AV Performance
  • Live Cinema (Narrative)
  • Experimental Electronics

Videos (1)