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Dreampop Dysphoria

  • AV Performance
  • Live Cinema (Narrative)
  • IDM, Advanced Hip Hop
  • Gustos
Dreampop Dysphoria
[Texto disponible solo en inglés] “Dreampop/Dysphoria” is an A/V mapping performace and upcoming audiovisual (A/V) release that is structured in the style of two sided LP's or early 20th century epic films from David Lean or Cecil B. Demille The two sides (and tones) of the A/V album are the shadow opposites of one another in the telling of the story of the fallen star, "dVa". \ The two sides of the release will contain 6 videosongs for “Dreampop” and 7 for “Dyshporia.”

Whereas the debut ReVerse Bullets release "Drapetomania!" was a political and existential foray, "Dreampop/Dysphoria" takes those same themes of pop culture icons, pharmaceutical control, and government abuse to the realm of the individual psyche. The story plays through the eyes of dVa, a fictional pop-star. In this two-act story, she rises to prominence as a manufactured icon; then, awakening, she discovers her role in maintaining an elitist status quo; and finally, her moment of crisis as she stands on the verge of transcendence and collapse.

“Dreampop,” side A, explores the reclaiming of memories and then the acceptance of false reality. Modern capitalist society is a bombardment of advertising, vacuous sexuality and public figures who are merely extended propaganda pushers. All is accepted as long as the people have their festishes fulfilled. This illusion is embraced until "Dysphoria"

In “Dysphoria," side B, reality begins to tear through the walls of luxurious, free love utopian illusion. The fallen star, dVa, is shaken by visions of oil spills, mounting fascism, and class warfare. She awakens to realize that she is merely a doll in a red carpet society – an unpoken world of million dollar escorts who are owned for one night by the highest bidder. She learns that her image is used to brainwash and subdue 95% of the world population in order to maintain the economic policies of the political elite. Her infections corporate prop music and glossy videos were nothing more than a trojan horse; her success, nothing more than a bribe to her ignorance.

Musically, this project will reference some of the some disharmonic grooves and ambience of “Drapetomania!”; however, with the live drummer and guitarist the palette now references the dissonance of Sonic Youth, the epic futurism of Vangelis, and the heart-breaking trip-hop of Portishead.

Duración (minutos)


Qué se necesita

- 15-20 minute setup
- VGA/DVI Splitter
- 1-2 projectors with minimum 6 meter connection and DVI/VGA inputs
- Projector should be ceiling mounted or at least raised 7 ft (3m) from the ground
- 3 Projection Screens or suitable all white surfaces
- 2 Tables of 2 sq meters Capable of Holding 30 kg
- 1 Microphone Stand with Mic
- 8-Channel Mixer & Amplification System with In-house Engineer
Pro Audio Cable (minimum 6 meters for all):
- 1-2 On-Stage monitors
- 3 power strips with minimum; 4 inputs per strip

  • AV Performance
  • Live Cinema (Narrative)
  • IDM, Advanced Hip Hop


ReVerse Bullets
ReVerse Bullets

United States Queens, New York, Germany Berlin

Videos (1)