Volver a la cima

Gisovān: Voicing a Revolution

  • AV Installation
  • Gustos
Gisovān: Voicing a Revolution
[Texto disponible solo en inglés] Gisovān: Voicing a Revolution is an artistic reaction, reflection, and protest in response to the women-led revolution in Iran, beginning in 2022. The aim of this project is to bring the elements of sound, structure, and visuals together in an interactive sound installation that focuses on and raises awareness of the women’s rights movement in Iran. With a touch-triggered mechanism, interaction is an essential feature of this installation as it encourages audience participation, and invites the listener to gain awareness of the background and relevant on-going information behind the global “Woman, Life, Freedom” movement, and raise the voice of the Iranian people. Primarily, this project features melodic and harmonic vocal lines - originally composed by the artist - and exclusively sung by female singers. The audience can trigger the playback of these lines, and create their unique anthems; thus, joining the movement in support of the people of Iran in their own way.

Duración (minutos)


Qué se necesita

1x long power cables for the laptop
4x speakers and appropriate cables for them (XLR or JACK)
1x long HDMI cables
2x USB to USBC converters
1x Interface 4i4

Lo que traen los artistas

Laptop with necessary software
Installation components

  • AV Installation


Shabnam J. Kermani
Shabnam J. Kermani

United States San Francisco

Videos (1)