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Handmade goes Colourjuggling

  • AV Performance
  • Experimental Electronics
  • Gustos
Handmade goes Colourjuggling
[Texto disponible solo en inglés] Painting with light, painting with natural pigments, painting with juggling tools… Analogous and Digital. In a dualistic dimension the exploration never stops. We are in a lapse of transition of these parallel worlds. Driving with all the power of the new tools but don’t forget the roots. Elke Radtke from Germany, in the universe of the Visual Jockeys better known as VJ Juladi, and Ernesto, Ernesto Lucas from Mexico, explore the possibilities of the integration of traditional pictographic techniques and digital experiments, captured by a camera and live mixed to project on every possible surface. Transformed in a landscape to breathe the light. They play together to make contact and balance of this two parallel worlds. With the fusion of eyes, hands and minds in the same tuning they open a triangular gate of fantasy to project optical poems of light with the digital manipulation of organic elements, showing a symphony of the live dialogue in between Juladi and Ernesto with the camera as a bridge, which in combination with sonic sounds, creates an audiovisual experience. It will bring to your mind a massage through your eyes. Lines and textures as well as rings, clubs and diabolos in constant mutation are bringing a kind of soul and spirit to the awesome work with the computer. Such facts, from the simplest to most complex form from the special, indefinable reaction at the sight of extremely rare objects, full of details with pure manifestations of emotions and impulses. Captured in the moment to build a stair of illusions over and above a sum of movements to discover the nature and build an atmosphere like a dream with sovereign freedom. Flying birds opening the colours like the flowers open their wings to the sunshine of the rhythms of the absence of silence, tuning the note of the universe. Abstract expressionisms in a subjective surrealistic pillow in the rhythm of light. Just let the space of control move you to another observation point of view with juggling tools dancing in light to open you the door to enjoy the smell of the perfume creating a nose in your Eyes and a tong in your brain!!! The visual syncopation borning digital, Elke and Ernesto, out of two they make one.

Duración (minutos)


Qué se necesita

the best would be a space in front of the screen to juggle. And to record the feedback of the performance with the juggler and the screen. VGA or SVHS connection.

  • AV Performance
  • Experimental Electronics


VJ Juladi and Ernesto
VJ Juladi and Ernesto

Germany Nürtingen, Mexico Mexico City


LPM 2012 Rome
LPM 2012 Rome
jueves, 31 mayo 2012

Videos (1)