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Live set: Sinestesia

  • DJ Set
  • Gustos
Live set:  Sinestesia
[Texto disponible solo en inglés] The project was born last year after studying the relation between images and sounds; the title comes from medicine where synesthesia defines a sensory contamination.
The intent is to bringing the listener to a soundscape of a post-human era in which the carbon statements have merged with those of silicon.

Using VST, samples, Roland Tr -08, VCV rack and other sources I produced a 30 minutes EP composed by four tracks:

#Trenodìa: a funeral song, the train that has not stopped. The end of the human.

#Sommersi: the descent into the abyss, everything has been covered by meters of water, however, life proliferates.

#Autonom: the rules of biology break up. The artificial intelligences merge with the surviving microbiology. Few glimmers of light are enough for cybernetic photosynthesis.

#Savetheplanetfightcapitalism: a political manifesto. A hymn to life on the ashes of an extinct capitalism.

On the 20th of February Sinestesia will be released by the Russian label Astropilot
At moment Sinestesia is privately available at https://bit.ly/2t0Hjos

HC is a project by Stefano Cavallo, Dj and producer based in Rome.
In DJs / Live sets the voices of an indefinite time reach the listeners through the sound event. Ancestral percussions merge with ambient noise and sound carpets.

Duración (minutos)


Qué se necesita


Lo que traen los artistas

VST, samples, Roland Tr -08, VCV rack and other sources with Ableton live and external controller

  • DJ Set



LPM 2020 Rome
LPM 2020 Rome
15 // 14 marzo 2020