Volver a la cima

Think Energy

  • AV Performance
  • Live Cinema (Narrative)
  • Experimental Electronics
  • Gustos
Think Energy
[Texto disponible solo en inglés] The “ThinkEnergy” project represents different urban realities in a non-documentary form through a series of audio-visual productions that take into account different types of “urban energy.” The methodological approach of the work is based on observations caught on camera while walking around the city, recording images and sounds. During the editing phase, a reflection on the perception of the contemporary city becomes a critical, subjective reading of the captured energy. The result is a series of videos with a duration between 5 to 15 minutes that recreate immersive urban environments for the end user.

Duración (minutos)


Qué se necesita

- 1 Videobeamer
- 1 audio mixer 6Ch
- 1 PA

Lo que traen los artistas

A/V live performance

  • AV Performance
  • Live Cinema (Narrative)
  • Experimental Electronics



Italy Roma

maria veltcheva
maria veltcheva

Germany Berlino

Nicolai Della Guerra
Nicolai Della Guerra

Belgium Bruxelles


LPM 2019 Rome
LPM 2019 Rome
04 // 03 mayo 2019