Volver a la cima
LPM 2012 Rome

How vvvv gave birth to NODE

  • Gustos
How vvvv gave birth to NODE
[Texto disponible solo en inglés] NODE is a festival deeply rooted in the community around the multipurpose toolkit vvvv. What started as a vivid exchange in the web forum of our favourite software has expanded into real life and become a festival for knowledge exchange and sharing of ideas.

vvvv is a toolkit for programmers, artists, designers, tech-heads, nerds and scientists and is being used not only for A/V-performances but media-installations, exhibits and much more.

Duración (minutos)


Qué se necesita

projector plus screen to project onto.
sound would be good.

  • Project showcase
NODE Forum for Digital Arts
NODE Forum for Digital Arts

Germany Frankfurt, Hamburg


LPM 2012 Rome
LPM 2012 Rome
sábado, 02 junio 2012