Volver a la cima
[Texto disponible solo en inglés] this project born from 4 differente person, 2 vjs, and 2 stylist, every vj love his stylist, every stylist draw her own dress, every vj want to show to world how is cool his stylist.
they work togheter to creating some show where visual become fashion and the textile become footages, the dummy become screen and the projector become needle and thread

Actuaciones (2)

Miembros (2)



  • 5 Actuaciones AV
  • 1 Mapeos
  • 15 Conjuntos VJ
  • 1 Instalaciones AV
  • 4 Talleres de trabajo
  • 1 Vitrinas de proyectos
  • 2 Instalaciónes de luces
  • 33 Videos
  • 36 Galerías
  • 11 Imágenes